
FIFA un-sacks its Visa-Mastercard chief negotiator

Oceania: South Pacific Games lead to World Cup

Mastercard drops two FIFA World Cups for $90m

Indonesia plans 15-year target to make World Cup

Mastercard, Visa still in court over FIFA World Cup

Blatter prefers Asian host for 2018 FIFA World Cup

2006 World Cup 'hardly touched' German economy

Four Asian nations miss World Cup registration

Jeju Islanders embrace visiting DPRK footballers

"Welcome to Asia" Aussies - This is your future

UAE "qualified to host" World Cup and Olympics

Bob Houghton on India's road to World Cup 2014

Kia Motors signs up as China's automotive sponsor

How ThaiBev got two World Cups for only $7.5M

Hints of USA and China as World Cup front-runners

Year of African Football leads to World Cup 2010

2006 FIFA World Cup broke broadcasting records

FIFA/SOS Ambassador Cannavaro wins top prize

Comment: Is Oceania a sustainable confederation?

Can developing nations profitably host World Cup?