Chinese consortium may buy Shefield Wednesday

English Championship club Sheffield Wednesday reportedly has confirmed that talks are continuing with a Chinese consortium about a takeover following Owls chairman Dave Allen's meeting with a Chinese party, headed by a multi-millionaire casino owner. "They have been talking again with the chairman. Dialogue is ongoing. There are a number of other parties that have been in contact about the possibility of investing money," a club spokesman told the BBC.

Allen, chairman at Hillsborough since 2003, first revealed he was keen to hand over control to someone who could wipe out the club's £26 million debts at the turn of the year. He said at the time: "We are not looking for small-time people, we are looking for a mega-rich businessman like Roman Abramovich at Chelsea, who want to buy a football club for a hobby. "This man has made money from casinos overseas and has vast wealth."