Betting firm denies English managers broke rules

A leading British betting firm has denied that some English Premier League club managers have broken Football Association rules by gambling on competitions they are involved in. An ex-employee of bookmakers Victor Chandler has alleged certain managers have bet significant amounts with Chandler on top-flight matches. A High Court order has prohibited the names of the managers being revealed but Max Clifford, publicist for Victor Chandler, said the managers had done nothing wrong. “There’s a court order, basically a gagging order, all agreed last night. None of them have bet on anything about themselves. No one has broken any rules, no one has done anything to compromise their position,” he said as quoted by Reuters.

Managers are allowed to bet on horse races and other sporting and football events not connected to their competitions. Clifford said he believed two Premier League managers were involved despite media reports that allegations had been made against four. The FA said it will investigate the allegations.