2007 Indonesian Premier League to be 'barometer'

The Indonesia League Committee (BLI) will announce the make-up of the 2007 professional Premier League in December. According to BLI manager competition Djoko Driyono, the clubs will be distributed into two divisions based on location, power balance and 'clash anticipation'. He added that the process would be transparant. "It is normal for a club to approach BLI however this will not advantage them," he said. The 2007 season will be a test for Indonesia's leading clubs as a new 18-team Super League will be introduced in 2008. "The 2007 Premier League competition will be a barometer for the 2008 Super League and which clubs get promoted," he told the Indonesian Football Association's PSSI website.

PSSI President Nurdin Halid also announced today that troublesome East Java club, Persebaya Surabaya, is still trying to reverse yet another playing ban. Because of supporters rioting after a game against provincial opponents Arema Malang on 3 September, the club has been banned from playing any games within East Java for one year, all must be played elsewhere, and a three year eviction order has been imposed on Persebaya supporters from all games. Persebaya claims to have writtent to PSSI requesting an amnesty for home games in Surabaya but Nurdin Halid said no letter had been received.