Eathquake victims face prospect of no World Cup

Earthquake survivors on Indonesia's Java island have endured unimaginable suffering but some say they are now facing the final straw: missing out on watching the FIFA World Cup. Avid football fan Faturohman, a resident of devastated Wukirsari village in Yogyakarta provinces's Bantul district, told AFP that the prospect is painful for him. "Owww, I am ruined. The electricity in this area is only enough for lights. We can't watch TV and besides that, my set is flattened by rubble from my house," said the 19-year-old, who injured his leg while escaping the quake.

Wukirsari is among the many villages in Bantul almost totally levelled by a 6.3-magnitude quake on 27 May which killed more than 5,800 people and left more than 420,000 homeless. The only power for lighting some 20 homes that survived the quake here is emitted feebly from a single generator.

Yogyakarta's governor Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, said his administration was "considering providing television and radio" units in public areas for quake victims. "We understand that the public needs entertainment in a situation such as this one," the Sultan told reporters.