All India Football Federation president, Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi, said that the professional National League scheduled to start next season will be brought up in stages to allow teams to adjust to the new format. Mr Dasmunsi, who held a meeting with representatives of the three major clubs — East Bengal, Mohun Bagan and Mohammedan Sporting, said participation in the professional league will also entail systemizing club administration as stipulated by the Asian Football Confederation.
"Clubs should improve their infrastructure and also put professionals in the administration to ensure its proper functioning," he said, as reported by The Hindu.
"Clubs should improve their infrastructure and also put professionals in the administration to ensure its proper functioning," he said, as reported by The Hindu.
The AIFF is also setting up a task force involving representatives of different corporations and state associations — such as Maharashtra, Goa and Bengal — to discuss preparations for the pro-league.
AFC president, Mohammad Bin Hammam, will visit India next month to take stock of the infrastructure of the clubs that will be participating in the professional league.